MRC Harwell Festival – 19 & 20 June 2019

~1 min read

Scientific research… more than just white coats.

As part of the MRC Festival of Medical Research 2019, Year 12 students are invited to join us for a day of interactive activities and tours on the 19th or 20th June. Come and see what it’s like to work in a research organisation, find out about the variety of jobs available here and learn how we investigate the function of genes in mice. You’ll spend a day at the MRC Harwell Institute where you’ll be given the chance to see the research we do, speak to the people behind it and learn about careers in research organisations like ours. Suitable for: Any student in Year 12 – no need to be accompanied by a teacher or adult Time: 9:30am-4pm, lunch provided Venue: MRC Harwell, Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire OX11 0RD Our Festival event is free but booking is required; please complete the application form by Friday 7 June 2019 to apply for a place: If you have any questions please email

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