MRC Harwell & NC3Rs Joint Webinar

1 min read

MRC Harwell and the NC3Rs will be co-hosting a webinar on efficient management of genetically altered mouse colonies 

Good management of genetically altered (GA) mouse colonies ensures the optimal use of available animals and minimises surplus animals, whilst producing reproducible and well-controlled research models. 

On Monday 1 March, the NC3Rs and the Mary Lyon Centre (MRC Harwell) will be hosting a joint webinar that will explore how to address common challenges in the management of GA mouse colonies. Dr Sara Wells and Dr Michelle Stewart from the Mary Lyon Centre will introduce key themes from the NC3Rs’ Breeding and Colony Management resource, including strategies for obtaining and maintaining colonies and breeding GA strains for experiments. 

Topics covered will include how to avoid genetic drift, why, when and how to archive your mouse strains, breeding experimental cohorts from colonies that have been reduced in size, efficient breeding strategies and how to choose control strains. 

The target audience will include anyone who manages mouse colonies, provides training in breeding and colony management, or scientists who use GA mice in their research.

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