Pleiotropic brain function of whirlin identified by a novel mutation';

Pleiotropic brain function of whirlin identified by a novel mutation

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Neuroinflammation and Lysosomal Abnormalities Characterise the Essential Role for Oxidation Resistance 1 in the Developing and Adult Cerebellum';

Neuroinflammation and Lysosomal Abnormalities Characterise the Essential Role for Oxidation Resistance 1 in the Developing and Adult Cerebellum

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TDP-43-M323K causes abnormal brain development and progressive cognitive and motor deficits associated with mislocalised and increased levels of TDP-43';

TDP-43-M323K causes abnormal brain development and progressive cognitive and motor deficits associated with mislocalised and increased levels of TDP-43

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PKD1L1 Is Involved in Congenital Chylothorax';

PKD1L1 Is Involved in Congenital Chylothorax

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Absence of Embigin accelerates hearing loss and causes sub-viability, brain and heart defects in C57BL/6N mice due to interaction with Cdh23(ahl)';

Absence of Embigin accelerates hearing loss and causes sub-viability, brain and heart defects in C57BL/6N mice due to interaction with Cdh23(ahl)

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Cleft palate and minor metabolic disturbances in a mouse global Arl15 gene knockout';

Cleft palate and minor metabolic disturbances in a mouse global Arl15 gene knockout

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Mutation in the FUS nuclear localisation signal domain causes neurodevelopmental and systemic metabolic alterations';

Mutation in the FUS nuclear localisation signal domain causes neurodevelopmental and systemic metabolic alterations

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A missense mutation in zinc finger homeobox-3 (ZFHX3) impedes growth and alters metabolism and hypothalamic gene expression in mice';

A missense mutation in zinc finger homeobox-3 (ZFHX3) impedes growth and alters metabolism and hypothalamic gene expression in mice

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Comprehensive ECG reference intervals in C57BL/6N substrains provide a generalizable guide for cardiac electrophysiology studies in mice';

Comprehensive ECG reference intervals in C57BL/6N substrains provide a generalizable guide for cardiac electrophysiology studies in mice

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Dynamic modulation of genomic enhancer elements in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the site of the mammalian circadian clock';

Dynamic modulation of genomic enhancer elements in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the site of the mammalian circadian clock

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